禁羈無涯:邀訪系列【JackWhipper and Meg】

English Info. Below


2018年底,縛生很高興邀請 Jack 與 Meg 來到禁羈無涯!跨越兩週末,帶來表演、團體工作坊,還能預約私人課程或私人體驗個案,無論是想來觀賞、學習、或是親身體驗被綁,都歡迎共襄盛舉!

Jack 來自英國,身兼劇場懸吊換景師、物理治療師的他,認為自己超過十年經驗的繩縛手法,啟發於他對綜合格鬥的畢生追求。奠基於對人體的深厚瞭解,他發展出自己獨特的、單條繩子的捕繩風格。搭擋夥伴 Meg 則是經過訓練的專業身體表演者。她專精於人體的力量、柔軟度,以及對於自身穩定、呼吸、疼痛的覺察/處理的技巧。他們2015年在倫敦 London Festival of Rope Art 第一次合作表演。目前搭擋在世界各國一起教學與表演。

他們的繩縛表演注重即興與互動,在上場前只簡單設定大致的流程,細節則與伴侶現場發揮。每個表情、聲音都是真實的情感流露,建立在深厚的信任與理解上。擅長舞台表演的 Jack 一上場便充滿張力,每個動作都可傳達出意圖,屢屢帶給觀眾驚奇。教學方面,他也擅於將他對身體的理解以及對情緒的掌握融入課程中。



::: 12/01 週六 :::
13:00 – 14:00 《緊縛愉虐表演》

::: 12/02 週日 :::
14:00 – 17:00《初級課 — 執繩手感的流動》

::: 週間 :::

::: 12/08 週六 :::
09:00 – 16:00《進階課 I — 碰觸觀察與單繩擒拿》

::: 12/09 週日 :::
09:00 – 16:00《進階課 II — 刀子、鞭子、與各種武器》


  • 說明:這次的進階工作坊,雖然開辦成兩堂,但每堂中皆結合多個主題。進行方式為上午三小時、午餐時間、然後下午三小時。進階課I 將涵蓋兩項很有講師獨特風格的繩縛手法。進階課II 將在上午講授用刀與用鞭的技術、下午則講授如何把繩縛融合進來。



初級課 — 執繩手感的流動:綁繩與拆繩



進階課 I — 碰觸觀察與單繩擒拿


作為一個操作治療/物理治療師,Jack 是觸診方面的專家。在這個工作坊中,我們會先探索「僅僅是將一隻手掌放在夥伴的皮膚上」能夠發現多少事情。體溫、膚觸、骨頭、肌肉、纖維、脈動….以及更多,這種細微的體察能力讓你在對方身上看到許多能被發現、被運用的事情。再將此結合上視覺觀察,能夠提升你對伴侶即時狀況的掌握能力。然而當我們操作在對方身上的是繩子時,少了肢體接觸,就少了這個與生俱來又直觀的觀察方法。所以這個工作坊便是針對此而設計,如何將這種能力結合進繩子裡,將技術性的繩縛與自然天生的身體溝通給融合。


不同於溫柔挑逗的那種一繩,Jack 在此要教授的一繩手法是偏向擒拿且責め的風格。若能習得其運作技巧,必是多一種應用的選擇。他的單繩擒拿受綜合格鬥啟發,可以效率、迅速、又好玩地捕捉並困住對方。這會是個很花體力的工作坊,我們會探討肢體的槓桿原理以及平衡,並且同時重視照顧受縛者安全的責任。這個工作坊不只關於外在身體技術、也關於內在原始衝動。我們教你這個工具如何安全、負責任,你則可以依照自己的步調探索它。


進階課 II — 刀子、鞭子、與各種武器

這是一個中高階程度的課程,針對覺得自己綁得差不多有自信、想追求更多新鮮點子來豐富實踐遊戲的參加者。介紹完用刀、用鞭、甚至更多意想不到武器的使用觀念與原則後,下半場將把這些運用到你習慣的繩縛當中,Jack 將介紹幾個能與這些武器完美搭配的繩縛綁法。這是一個針對技術的課程,但也會有非常多機會可以玩耍跟實驗!



> 表演報名 <
日期 – 12/01(六)
時間 – 12:30進場,13:00開演

  • 早鳥匯款:800元  / 每人
  • 現場票:1200元 / 每人
  • 學生優惠:入場時可憑學生證退100元

> 工作坊報名 <

  • 以兩人一組為報名單位
  • 初級課:1500元/單堂,進階課:2500元/單堂
  • 可代為接洽專業收費繩模
  • 學生優惠:入場時可憑學生證退100元




  • 費用:2000/每小時
  • 預約:請 私訊縛生 洽詢

We are happy to announce that Jack Whipper and Meg will be invited to the Kink Beyond Borders International Presenters Series of Shibaru.Life near the end of 2018! In their two weeks in Taiwan they will give workshops and performances, as well as private lesson and sessions. Whether you want to watch, learn, or experience, there will be something for you!

Jack found his way into rope via his life long pursuit of mixed martial arts and has been tying for 10 years now. Grounded strongly in his physical understanding of the human body through martial arts and medical study, he has developed a unique style of hojojutsu based single rope control.Meg is a trained physical performer with expertise in body strength and flexibility as well as breathing, grounding and pain management techniques.They first performed together at the London Festival of Rope Art ’15 and enjoy teaching and performing all over the country and abroad.

Their performances are often about spontaneity and connection. They would go to the stage with only an outline planned, and leave the rest to improvisation. Every smile or moan are from their true heart, built on deep trust and understanding. On stage, Jack is full of energy, with every movement conveying an intention. There is always something to surprise the audience. In teaching, he is good at combining his understanding of body and emotion with kinky practice.



::: 12/01 Sat. :::
13:00 – 14:00 《Performance》

::: 12/02 Sun. :::
14:00 – 17:00《Beginner’s — Flow – Tying and Untying》

::: Weekdays :::
Private lessons and sessions are available.

::: 12/08 Sat. :::
09:00 – 16:00《Intermediate I — Palpation & Take-Down and Torture》

::: 12/09 Sun. :::
09:00 – 16:00《Intermediate II — Rope, Whips and Knives》


Group Workshops



Aimed at beginners this workshop is about familiarising yourself with rope as a material and an extension of the body. Flow, handling, how to minimise getting your rope hideously tangled in your own fingers. Where to place your partner, where to place yourself. How to place your partner, how to place yourself. All the nuances of movement and style that make tying an art and a dance – not a procedure.



Through his work as a manual therapist Jack is an expert is ‘palpation’, or ‘examination by touch’. In this workshop we initially explore how much we can discover by simply laying a palm on your partner’s skin. Heat, texture, bone, muscle, fibre, pulse and more — a huge amount can be discovered and utilised through a nuanced ability to notice what you feel. This combined with visual observation leads to a heightened ability to read your partner’s minute indicators. When we add the technicalities of rope we risk losing this innate and palpable physical connection so in this workshop we aim to fuse the technicalities of rope with the natural way in which we can teach our bodies to talk to each other.

Single-rope take down based on mixed martial-arts to capture and trap with maximum efficiency and speed (and fun!). This is a physically demanding workshop looking at limbs as leavers, balance and taking responsibility for your partner’s vulnerability. This workshop is both physically technical and innately primal. We teach you the tools to be safe and responsible; you explore them at your own pace.


This is a workshop for those who feel comfortable and confident with suspension. We will first teach basic knife handling followed by basic whip handling. Then we will return to rope and demonstrate several suspensions that work well when incorporating knives, whips and maybe some other fun toys if we have time! This will be a technical but fun class with plenty of time to play and experiment. 



An email containing information regarding remittance will be sent to your email address. Please check the email and remit the fee in time. After remittance, reply the email and inform us of your account number. We will send a confirmation email after confirming your remittance. Registration is considered successful only after this email.

If you cannot remit the fee, please contact Shibaru.Life for assistance.


Performance: registration form

  • Early registration and remittance: NTD 800
  • At the door: NTD 1200
  • NTD 100 refund at the entrance for those who present a student ID.

Workshops: registration form

  • Please register in pairs.
  • The fee per workshop for each pair of attendees is:
    NTD 1500 / beginner’s, NTD 2500 / intermediate
  • NTD 100 refund at the entrance for those who present a student ID.


Private Lessons and Private Session

Private lessons and sessions are also available.




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