禁羈無涯:【Hajime Kinoko 一鬼のこ】

English Info. Below

縛生於2017年底,開啟「禁羈無涯」邀訪系列活動,邀請 SM 圈各領域國際嘉賓來台分享,舉辦課程、工作坊、表演等。2018 年三月三日很高興邀請到 Hajime Kinoko(一鬼のこ),將於當天舉辦一場團體繩課、一場表演,並參加當天晚上的縛宵!

Hajime Kinoko 以其豐富的繩縛語言於世界各地知名。除傳統日式緊縛,他也嘗試開拓新領域,包括以一系列紅繩創作走入藝術圈,並首創使用螢光繩的 “cyber rope”。除現場繩縛表演外,他也出版寫真及影片作品,除繩縛外也負責攝影與導演。他已於巴黎、倫敦、慕尼黑等超過 20 個世界主要城市辦過工作坊。



::: 2018/03/03 週六 :::

12:00 – 15:00 團體繩課
16:00 – 18:00 表演


2018/03/03 週六 12:00 – 15:00

Kinoko 將與「一縄会」成員 Zima (ジーマ) 與 Nanashi (ななし)帶來一場一縄会形式的團體繩課,初級組與中級組同時進行!

初級組將由 Zima 與 Nanashi 指導,Kinoko 也將從旁協助。由基礎繩縛教起,直到二繩後手縛與M字開脚縛的組合變化。這是一次難得的機會,從頭到尾細節修正,將正統日式繩縛的基本功打得紮實!

中級組參加者需有吊縛經驗,由 Kinoko 指導。講授內容包括 Hajime Kinoko 的後手縛,與接續其後的多種包括直立吊縛在內的變化應用。


  • 請組隊報名,每組1200元
  • 現場可憑學生證折扣退費200元
  • 請填寫 報名表
  • 我們將寄送匯款資訊到您填寫的信箱,敬請查收與準時繳費。請回信提供您的匯款帳號,我們將於對帳後寄送報名成功通知信,收到此信始完成報名程序。
  • 因故不方便轉帳者,請訊息聯絡縛生(臉書, FetLife, e-mail),我們將協助您。


2018/03/03 週六 16:00 – 18:00

Zima × Hava, Kinoko × 一花。一個下午,兩場表演!

Zima (ジーマ)現年 28 歲,與 Kinoko 學習兩年,並在一縄会繩縛教學中擔任繩縛指導。這次將與Hava搭檔演出。Kinoko 則將與日本模特兒一花搭檔。兩組人將帶給大家什麼樣的表演呢?請拭目以待!


  • 早鳥匯款:800元
  • 現場票:1200元
  • 現場可憑學生證折扣退費200元
  • 請填寫 報名表
  • 我們將寄送匯款資訊到您填寫的信箱,敬請查收與準時繳費。請回信提供您的匯款帳號,我們將於對帳後寄送報名成功通知信,收到此信始完成報名程序。
  • 若欲購早鳥票但因故不方便轉帳者,請訊息聯絡縛生(臉書, FetLife, e-mail),我們將協助您。


此外,Kinoko, Zima, Nanashi, 以及其他團隊成員也將參加 03/03 當晚的縛宵,他們希望多認識些圈內朋友,了解台灣 SM 的現況。歡迎大家報名,和他們多聊聊!縛宵報名詳情將於二月中公佈。




Kink Beyond Borders: Hajime Kinoko

As the 3rd invitee of the Kink Beyond Borders International Presenters Series, Shibaru.Life is happy to present Hajime Kinoko. On 3rd of March, Kinoko and some members from Ichinawakai will visit Taipei, give a group rope lesson, a performance, and attend ShibariVepers that night!

Hajime Kinoko is known worldwide for his various kinbaku expressions using various types of rope such as traditional piece-dye “Japanese style kinbaku,” “art rope” using red rope, and “cyber rope” using glow-in-the-dark rope. In addition to performing live rope shows, he has recently been actively releasing artwork including photographs and video, often being in charge of tying, photography, and direction. He has conducted workshops in more than 20 major cities such as Paris, London, and Munich as well as in Japan.

For him, shibari is about “connection.” To him, tying feels like strings connecting two paper cups to make a paper toy telephone. When he ties with a strong feeling that the model is important, he can feel how they want to be tied, at what timing and where, thus he can tie depending on the models’ desires. The lines created when he ties that way are like waves that carve rocks and create cliffs. He creates lines are like those created by nature, and only exist between the model and himself. He feels those are wonderful and beautiful. That is the shibari that he pursues.


::: 2018/03/03 Saturday :::

12:00 – 15:00 Group Rope Lesson
16:00 – 18:00 Performance

Group Rope Lesson

2018/03/03 Saturday, 12:00 – 15:00

With Ichinawakai members Zima and Nanashi, Kinoko will present a Ichinawakai style group workshop in Taipei, with a beginner’s and an intermediate level class running simultaneously.

The beginner’s class will be taught by Zima and Nanashi, with occasional assistance from Kinoko. Starting from basic ties, the class will eventually cover two-rope gote, M-style leg spreading tie, and a variety of their combinations.

The intermediate class will be taught by Kinoko. Attendees are supposed to have basic experience in suspension. The class will start with Kinoko style gote, and continue with varieties of what one can do with it, including the vertical suspension.

Cost and Registration

  • Please register in pairs. The fee for each pair of attendees is NTD 1200.
  • NTD 200 refund at the entrance for those who present a student ID.
  • Please fill in this registration form.
  • An email containing information regarding remittance will be sent to your email address. Please check the email and remit the fee in time. After remittance, reply the email and inform us of your account number. We will send a confirmation email after confirming your remittance. Registration is considered successful only after this email.
  • If you cannot remit the fee, message Shibaru.Life (Facebook, FetLife, e-mail) for assistance.


2018/03/03 Saturday, 16:00 – 18:00

Zima × Hava, and Kinoko × Ichika — two performances in one afternoon!

Zima is 28 years old and have learned shibari with Kinoko for two years. He currently assists Kinoko in the group workshops of Ichinawa Kai. He will be performing with Taiwanese model Hava. Kinoko himself will perform with Ichika.

Cost and Registration

  • Early registration and remittance: NTD 800.
  • At the door: NTD 1200
  • NTD 200 refund at the entrance for those who present a student ID.
  • Please fill in this registration form.
  • An email containing information regarding remittance will be sent to your email address. Please check the email and remit the fee in time. After remittance, reply the email and inform us of your account number. We will send a confirmation email after confirming your remittance. Registration is considered successful only after this email.
  • If you register early but cannot remit the fee, message Shibaru.Life (Facebook, FetLife, e-mail) for assistance.

Shibari Vespers

2018/03/03 Saturday, 20:00 – midnight

In addition, Kinoko, Zima, Nanashi, and other staff members will also attend our monthly party ShibariVespers, to be held in the same evening, hoping to know more local friends and get to know the scene. Register for the party and chat with them! Details on ShibariVespers to be announced in middle February.


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