English Info. Below
縛生很高興邀請到 Pedro 於一月最後一個週末來台,開設兩堂繩課以及一場演講!
Pedro 對繩縛十數年來的熱情自 2003 開始。2004 年他與明智伝鬼學繩縛,並在明智伝鬼過世後繼續與神凪學習,兩人對其風格的影響持續至今。他頻繁造訪日本進修與研究。2014 年奈加あきら在柏林 Schwelle 7 開課後,Pedro 也開始研究奈加流。此外他對捕繩術的歷史與技術也有所涉獵。
他主要在葡萄牙活動,但也在歐洲各地(包括「倫敦緊縛美之祭 LFAJRB」)、美國(包括達拉斯緊縛博覽 Bondage Expo Dallas)、和日本表演。這幾年來他在含葡萄牙、西班牙、法國、比利時、荷蘭、義大利的歐洲各地與英國、美國、加拿大、澳洲等地都有開課,授課內容廣泛,不論初級或進階課程都能讓學員滿載而歸。
::: 01/27 週六 :::
13:00 – 19:00 《中級——吊縛工作坊》
::: 01/28 週日 :::
13:00 – 19:00 《部分吊縛、兩難姿態、以及「玩繩」工作坊》
本課程幫助您把吊縛所需的種種技術與觀念磨練紮實,包括種種鎖住懸吊繩的方法、多根懸吊繩的運用、重量分配的一般原則、水平吊縛 vs 垂直吊縛、身體的壓縮與伸展等等。Pedro 將盡可能傳授所知,希望讓大家更能掌握吊縛,並對繩手與受縛者都有所助益,讓初學吊縛的入門者,或想精進技藝的中階繩手都能滿載而歸。
- 繩手:能綁出不會垮掉的單柱/雙柱縛、確實的二繩或三繩高手小手縛(流派、風格不拘)、或其它可吊縛用的上半身 harness. 有簡單吊縛經驗,並知道如何鎖住懸吊繩。
- 受縛者:在被綁的過程中能察覺自身神經、血液循環的狀況,並能溝通告知。
本課程中,Pedro 會示範他最喜歡的玩繩套路,其中許多使用到部分吊縛或兩難姿態。
- 繩手:能綁出不會垮掉的單柱/雙柱縛、確實的二繩或三繩高手小手縛(流派、風格不拘)、或其他可吊縛用的上半身 harness. 有簡單吊縛經驗,並知道如何鎖住懸吊繩的。
- 受縛者:在被綁的過程中能察覺自身神經、血液循環的狀況,並能溝通告知。
> 報名與購票 <
- 以繩手為收費單位,2500元/單堂
- 自備繩模(免費)或代找繩模(費用請與繩模自行洽談與支付)
- 學生優惠:入場時可憑學生證退100元
- 費用:2100/每小時
- 預約:請 私訊縛生 洽詢
2000 年代早期,當日本 SM 圈中少有外國人時,Pedro 就已定期造訪日本學習繩縛。他多次上過明智伝鬼的一對一課程,收集了明智伝鬼全部的作品,並在世界各地的多個紀念活動中重現了不少明智伝鬼的經典技術。在本講座中,Pedro 將從他們的互動經驗中談談明智伝鬼「這個人」,並以他的詮釋示範已故大師的最著名繩縛。
Shibaru.Life is happy to announce that Pedro will visit Taiwan in the last weekend of January 2018 to give two workshops and a talk!
Pedro’s decade-plus obsession with rope started in November 2003 in Tokyo. In 2004, a new journey began when he took classes with Nawashi Akechi Denki Sensei, after whose death he continued to study with Nawashi Kanna, both of whom remain strong influences on his style today. He frequently travels to Japan to keep alive his passion for rope, studies and research. Recently he started to look more closely at Naka Akira’s style, especially after the workshop Naka presented at Berlin’s “Schwelle 7” in 2014. In addition, he has investigated a number of Hojojutsu patterns, as well as its history.
Over the years he has performed mainly in Portugal, but has also made appearances across Europe (including the famed “London Festival of the Art of Japanese Bondage”), U.S. (including the famed “Bondage Expo Dallas”) and Japan. He has been teaching for several years now in European countries including Portugal, Spain, France, Belgium, The Netherlands, Italy, etc., as well as U.K., U.S.A., Canada and Australia. The topics he teaches are vast. He usually adjusts his classes to the level of the participants – from beginner to experienced.
Group workshops
::: 01/27 週六 :::
13:00 – 19:00
Suspension WS 《中級——吊縛工作坊》
::: 01/28 週日 :::
13:00 – 19:00
Partials, Predicaments and Playful ties WS 《部分吊縛、兩難姿態、以及「玩繩」工作坊》
Intermediate Level Suspension
If you have some basic experience with suspension, but are not confident with all the details and want to consolidate your skills, this workshop is for you.
This workshop will focus on suspension techniques, rather than poses, to help students to have a better understanding of how to manage suspensions from both sides of the rope. The techniques covered include, but are not limited to, different ways to lock off lines, line management exercises, general principles of balancing weight, horizontality vs verticality, and compression and expansion of the body. Pedro will create a series of exercises to propose throughout the day according to the level and pace of the class.
This class has pre-requisites for all students:
* Students tying: a non-collapsible single/double column tie, a solid 2TK/3TK (such as Kanna, Kinoko, Kazami etc., or equivalent chest harness), knowledge of locking off lines, line management experience.
* Students being Tied: body awareness regarding nerves/circulation/placements/communication.
Partials, Predicaments and Playful Ties
Suspension is not merely for performance — one can integrate tying and suspension into your scene. With rope one can create a wide range of sensations in a continuous dialog of “playing”. With a suspension point, there are even more tricks one can play.
Partial suspension refers to positions in which the people being tied still touch the ground. They are not only beautiful, but also suitable for playing. You are mistaken if you think partial suspension is inherently easier or safer — in fact, a partial pose could be far more uncomfortable and prone to injury than a full suspension, if the people doing ropes are not well-taught.
In a “predicament”, the rope bottoms are tied in ways that appear to allow choices between a pair of uncomfortable positions, between which they have to constantly shift. It can be an essential component of seme-nawa.
In this workshop, Pedro will show some of his favourite playful ties, many of them including partials and predicaments.
This class has pre-requisites for all students:
* Students tying: a non-collapsible single/double column tie, a solid 2TK/3TK (such as Kanna, Kinoko, Kazami etc., or equivalent chest harness), knowledge of locking off lines, line management experience.
* Students being Tied: body awareness regarding nerves/circulation/placements/communication.
- Fee: NTD 2500 for each workshop/every couple.
- If a rigger needs a model, we can help to contact possible candidates. Please negotiate the cost and methods of payment with the model.
- Student discount:NTD 100 refund at the door for those who present student IDs.
Your registration will be reserved for three days. Please remit the fee within three days, and reply with the last 5 digits of your account number. Further notification with more details, including location of the venue, etc., will be sent to you after we confirm your remittance.
Those who find it difficult remitting money through Taiwanese banks may send us a message (Shin on Fetlife, or Shibaru.Life on FB) after filling the registration form, and we will arrange that they pay at the door. Please do message us, in case the registration gets cancelled.
Private lessons
Private lessons are also available.
- Fee:2100/ per hour
- Booking:Please message Shibaru.Life .
Akechi Denki: the Person and His Rope
Akechi Denki is certainly among the most, if not the single most, influential nawashi in the Japanese SM scene from the late 70’s till the early 00’s (died 2005). He has his unique aesthetics — his style is artistic and delicate. His technique is gentle — he can put models in extreme positions, while never leave behind is concerns for safety and feelings of the model. Yet his charisma comes from not only his rope, but his personality. He is humble, gentle, and friendly to everyone. It was once described that Akechi Denki is to shibari as Shigeo Nagashima is to baseball — he has become the symbol of shibari, and loved by everyone.
In early 00’s, when there were few westerners in the Japanese SM scene, Pedro had been visiting Japan regularly to learn shibari. In series of rope lessons, Pedro gained first-hand experience of interacting with Akechi Denki. To honor his teaching, Pedro presented many of his iconic technique in various memorial events. In this talk, Pedro will tell us about his interaction with Akechi Denki as a person, and also demonstrate his interpretation of some of the most well known ties of the late nawashi.
For more info. see: 縛生講座 #6: 明智伝鬼其人其繩