禁羈無涯:邀訪系列【Kristina Marlen】

English Version Below

邀請 SM 圈各領域國際嘉賓來台分享,舉辦課程、工作坊、表演等。


這次邀請到 Kristina Marlen ,內容包含團體工作坊、私人教學、個案體驗。

結合譚崔與 SM 的 Kristina Marlen 來自德國柏林。她原本主修法律、文化科學、與物理治療,後來決定成為全職性工作者。具有舞者、表演者、身體工作者、與瑜珈老師的背景,使她發展出豐富、多重角度的技術。Marlen 熱愛日式繩縛。對她來說,一場繩縛是一趟感性與支配的探索。目前她以 BDSM 與繩縛講師的身分在各國遊歷,講授她獨特的技術與見解。

在調教與工作坊中,她把 BDSM 和譚崔、舞蹈、接觸即興等身體工作結合,開啟探索的空間。她認為如此可使身體更能感受、更易吸收、更透出自發性。視界會更清晰、好奇心被喚醒。我們釋放自己,更容易體察到不論強大或細微的衝動、服從、痛楚、濃度、與慾望。




::: 12/30 週六 :::
12:00 pm – 14:00 pm
15:00 pm – 17:00 pm

::: 12/31 週日 :::
12:00 pm – 14:00 pm
15:00 pm – 17:00 pm




12/30 週六 第一班 12:00 – 14:30



在這個工作坊中我們會去探索人體的生物力學 —— 人體的折疊、伸展、扭轉的可能性。運用這三個元素,我們可以找到新的道途去即興繩縛,而這美好的體驗,能讓綁與被綁的雙方都獲得愉悅。



  • 程度需求:這個工作坊都在地板上進行,歡迎任何程度的學員。
  • 名額:22人



12/30 週六 第二班 15:00 – 17:30




介紹改良版的 Butterfly harness 蝴蝶繩(譯註:一種歐美流行的軀幹綁法)。將受縛者的翅膀從地心引力中拉伸開或拘束起,可以是玩繩縛時的一種新選項。

  • 程度需求:中高階。若擁有基礎的吊縛知識會有幫助。
  • 名額:20人



12/31 週日 第一班 12:00 – 14:30


  • 程度需求:中高階,且參加過展翅初階課程者。
  • 名額:20人



12/31 週日 第二班 15:00 – 17:30


這個工作坊是在深化你與伴侶的覺知,關於時間與空間、美與臨在、豐盛、心靈,還有別忘了 —— 幽默。

  • 程度需求:歡迎任何程度的學員。
  • 名額:20人


> 報名與購票 <

  • 工作坊單堂每人800元
  • 學生優惠:入場時可憑學生證退100元





  • 以上團體工作坊也提供一對一方案
  • 吊縛時的即興
  • 壓倒性氣勢
  • 顏面調教與顏面縛
  • 粗暴身體調教
  • 散尾鞭鞭打
  • 擊打類調教
  • 變態玩法
  • 如何更佳取悅你的伴侶
  • 譚崔的技巧
  • 穿衣的繩縛以及情慾能量交換

請郵件聯繫 [email protected] ,並直接與講師面談討論。

台幣2100元 / 每一小時



* 個案體驗請聯繫縛生詢問!


Shibaru.Life will be hosting international dominatrix Kristina Marlen during the weekend of New Year’s Eve, and give a series of workshops.

Kristina Marlen works as a tantric dominatrix in Berlin. She studied law, cultural sciences and later physiotherapy before she decided to be a full time sexworker. With her background as as dancer and performer as well as bodyworker and yoga teacher, she developed a multi-angled and versatile approach to her work. Marlen’s passion is Japanese Rope bondage, which for her is a way to have an inspiring journey between sensuality and domination. She´s now traveling internationally as a BDSM and Rope Instructor with her own method of sensual domination.

In her sessions and workshops, she creates an explorative space by using elements of Tantra and BDSM combined with dance, body work, and contact improvisation. In her view, like this our bodies become sensual, receptive, and permeable for spontaneity. Perception is sharpened, curiosity is awakened, and we open ourselves for strong as well as subtle impulses, surrender, pain, intensity, and lust.

Group workshops

In these series of courses, each person will learn both to tie and be tied. You must be okay to switch roles.

Embodied Rope, Body in Ropes, Moving Your Rope Practice

30th Dec, 12:00 – 14:30

Body comes first: whenever I tie, this is what matters for me. Rather than seeing the rope, I see the body in ropes. I have to feel and understand the body I tie. I feel my own body in connection to the body I tie.

This class is about body first.

In this workshop we explore biomechanics of the human body – its abilities to fold, expand, to spiral. Working with these three elements we can find new paths into rope improvisation and can have results of beauty and grace – pleasing for the model as well as the rigger.

We will explore kinesthetic tying as a tool for deepening the rope practise. Handling a body in motion and kinesthetic tying, working with proximity and distance, and challenging the rigger to go out of their comfort zone in making their own body available whilst tying.

The workshop will include exploration of body function, with oneself and with a partner, hands on with and without rope. We are working with improvisation tools to bring this knowledge into rope work.

This workshop will most likely stay on the floor and is open to all levels. Basic rope knowledge is required though, as knots and frictions won´t be explained in detail.

Max. 22 people (come in couples or you must be ok being partnered with a stranger/new friend – if this is the case, you must be ok switching (community organizers will help solo people form pairs before the workshop))

Spreading Wings Part I

30th Dec, 15:00 – 17:30

This workshop is all about the shoulder and upper torso.

We will start with a solid anatomical exploration of arms and shoulders, understand flexibilities and limitations, connections of arms, torso and spine. Following embodied learning, this will be both theoretical and practical, with and without rope.

Given time, we will translate that knowledge into new options of improvisation as well as considering what this means for tying a TK, as people are different and have different body structures.

Presenting the modified Butterfly harness, we have new options to play with spread and restrain your partners wings out of gravity.

Open for intermediate/advanced. Basic knowledge for suspension is helpful.

Max. 20 people(come in couples or you must be ok being partnered with a stranger/new friend – if this is the case, you must be ok switching (community organizers will help solo people form pairs before the workshop))

Spreading Wings Part II

31st Dec, 12:00 – 14:30

This workshop will build upon our learning about the shoulder and upper torso.

We will continue with our anatomical explorations and embodied learning.

Open for intermediate/advanced who have attended Spreading Wings Part I or by permission of instructor or community leaders only. Basic knowledge for suspension is required.

Max. 20 people (come in couples or you must be ok being partnered with a stranger/new friend – if this is the case, you must be ok switching (community organizers will help solo people form pairs before the workshop))

12/31 Presence, Rhythm, Space

31st Dec, 15:00 – 17:30

In this class we will use parameters of improvisational, somatic and performative bodywork and translate them to rope work.

This can open new perspectives on your rope practise and liberates patterns we get stuck into while tying. We use the refreshing aspect of being watched and watching others, experimenting with performativity and see if this is might deepen intimacy to your partner and opening ourselves to space.

The workshop is on deepening perception, of yourself and your partner, about time and space, about grace and presence, about lushness, spirit and – never forget – humour.

Open for all levels.

Max. 20 people (come in couples or you must be ok being partnered with a stranger/new friend – if this is the case, you must be ok switching (community organizers will help solo people form pairs before the workshop))


> Please sign up here <

  • Fee: NTD 800 for each workshop/every person.
  • Student discount:NTD 100 refund at the door for those who present student IDs.

Your registration will be reserved for three days. Please remit the fee within three days, and reply with the last 5 digits of your account number. Further notification  with more details, including location of the venue, etc., will be sent to you after we confirm your remittance.

Private workshops

Marlen will also be available for private sessions and one-on-one classes during her visit, including topics such as:

  • The above classes offered on a one-on-one basis
  • Improvisation while suspended
  • Overpowering
  • Face play and face rope
  • Rough body play
  • Flogging
  • Impact play
  • Pervertables
  • How to pleasure your partner better
  • Tantric techniques
  • Clothes-on being tied up with erotic energy exchange

Please contact her directly for more information. ([email protected] )
One-on-one classes start from $NTD 2100 an hour.

Flexible on where to have these in terms of private home, no need for advanced booking, 2100 NTD/one hour for teaching – non-sessioning only (no sex).

For intimate massage, being tied up (undressed with erotic and intimate energy), sessioning, rates need to be negotiated with Marlen directly and will be higher than quoted above.

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